We´ve finished the 2019-20 academic year
After all that has happened the last five months, we did it, we managed to close the year with a fairly good feeling (and better health !).
During two months of lockdown we taught on-line, or at least tried to. It´s not an easy task to explain the use of certain tools and techniques through a camera (just ask first year students…). In fact, all of them have made a great effort to keep learning and working in such a complicated period.
By the end of May we were allowed to get back to school following strict health security rules. Even though not very practical, things like trying to blow sawdust off wearing a mask, not forgeting to disinfect every surface you touch, avoiding contact between different groups of students… we managed to work.
It was all very uncomfortable, but hey, it is amazing how human beings get used to awkward situations. And yes, in case you wondered, also students are human beings (well, at least most of them…).
Some of the actions planed for this course have fallen by the wayside,
the workshop with Gabor Draskóczy (postponed until next year), the Loan Program of instrument built at BELE and the end of the year concert with the violins built by the students.
And now, looking forward to next year, with new students who could do it for the entrance tests and missing those who have finished.
We will start again in about five weeks, allowing for all the possibilities about the Sanitary conditions, but we hope it will be milder next time. Meanwhile, remember, wear a mask and wash your hands!!