Varnish antiquing with Gábor Draskóczy


BELE.Basque School of Violin Making. CPM – Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga- MKP.

Plaza Ibarrekolanda 1, 48015 Bilbao. Spain.

Lecturer: Gábor Draskóczy.

Date:  from 8th to 10th April 2022. Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Duration: 21 hours

Timetable: Friday and Saturday 9:00-13:00/ 14:00-18:00 and Sunday 10:00-15:00.

Languaje: English

Materials needed: Violin varnished as for antiquing. Tools and materials for antiquing.

Schedule: It shall be published in the following weeks.

Registration requirements:
Short CV with the contact info from the applicant (name, email address…)
Please send the above to this address:
Selection of applicants will be based on the above required information.

Number of places: 15

Course fee: 400€

Accommodation: Bilbao has a wide lodging offer. However, we have made an agreement with “Colegio Mayor Miguel de Unamuno” hall of residence or students dorm (just in front of our school- see map-) to accommodate the participants in our workshops. All rooms are single or double and there will be a discount if a group of more than ten people ask for a place there.

Colegio Mayor Miguel de Unamuno
Single room HB
Group price 27 €
Price without group discount 34 €
Double room HB
Group price 50 €
Price without group discount 62 €
(Half Board: Room, breakfast + supper). Price per day. These prices are subject to changes. Please enquire.

For inquiries, our contact address is: