Antique varnishing workshop with Collin Gallahue

Antique varnishing workshop.
“Critical Decision Making; a Holistic Approach to Violinmaking”
By Collin R. Gallahue

The varnishing and antiquing method used by Collin Gallahue is a thorough process where each step needs of its own making times. The times required make impossible to fulfill the workshop in one week.

All the subjects will be held in two stages, i.e. in two different workshops. In order to get more out of the course and achieve the objectives some work should be done beforehand.


Talks on wood: color and texture.
Potential application of oxidants and coloring agents.
Ground coats.
Application of “Sealer”.
Talks on wood texture and preparation materials for the ground, varnish composition, its preparation and application for future reference.
Talks on set-up and neck setting.

Visit to BELE from the String Department of the “Pablo Sarasate” Music Conservatory from Iruinea Pamplona

Cello workshop II

Last january 29th we received the visit of students and teachers of the bowed string department from the Conservatory of Music “Pablo Sarasate” in Pamplona.

Students and teachers from BELE guided the visitors through the violin, viola and violoncello making workshops, the acoustics laboratory and varnishing room.

Varnish retouching workshop with Hans J. Nebel

Varnish retouching workshop with Hans J. Nebel

We have had the great pleasure of learning from Hans J Nebel a bit on the art of varnish retouching.

From Monday to Thursday he teached for the students at the Basque Violin Making School, BELE, and from Friday to Sunday there was another workshop for professional violin makers.

Workshop in advanced violin repair. Retouching of varnish. Hans Nebel.

Workshop in advanced violin repair. Retouching of varnish.

Varnish retouching workshop at BELE, Basque School of Violin Making. February 5 – February 7, 2016. Friday through Sunday. Mr. Nebel will lecture & demonstrate and the student will be guided via hands-on experience in Retouching of Varnish in the style of Maestro S. F. Sacconi, as it is done in some of the finest shops in the USA and abroad. During this workshop participants will work in tandem with a master craftsman to improve their abilities in color matching varnishes and drawing/painting grain on violin etc.

BELE in Cremona Mondomusica 2015

Last 18th to 21st of september, BELE, the Basque Violin Making School, paid a visit to Cremona Mondomusica 2015.

Short course on antique varnishing with Peter Westerlund in BELE

Del 4 al 8 de Mayo hemos realizado un curso sobre barnices de la mano de Peter Westerlund.
Este luthier sueco trabaja en Norberg y es renombrado por su barniz que imita perfectamente el aspecto antiguo de los instrumentos clásicos italianos.